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Iswari SuperFood
Healthy Eating

Which Are The Best Vegan Protein Powder For Women?

Protein is the building block of our bodies: bone, skin and muscles are all made up of these amino-acid molecules. Are there differences between the best proteins for women and those for men?

5 Newly Discovered Benefits Of Hemp Protein

Hemp is now a widespread and much appreciated food. We can eat all parts of the plant, from the seeds to the oil and even milled into flour. But do you know that hemp protein may be the best vegetable protein for your body? Find out why!


Stress is a specific response of the organism to the demands of the environment. In simple words, stress is a reaction of body and mind to excessive and continuous claims to which we subject it. The response of our body to an illness, as well as the fear


The toxins we all speak of are invisible chemical compounds: they are present in the air we breathe, due to environmental pollution, but also in water, fruit and vegetables and animal products. Drugs can also release toxins, as well as many natural foods

High Blood Pressure And Blood Circulation

Pressure is more correctly defined as arterial pressure or blood pressure, and is the measure of the force with which blood flows in our body. Like any liquid, even the blood in our veins flows at a certain pressure. Blood circulation is essential to be a

Proteins, Muscles and Energy

The muscles in our body can be divided into voluntary muscles, which allow movement in space, and involuntary muscles, which support vital functions such as digestion and respiration. The muscular system together with the skeletal apparatus forms the loco

Lose Weight

Losing weight is a physiological process involving the loss of body mass and weight, as a result of the loss of fat reserve tissue. Weight-loss depends fundamentally on the factor that we talk about in this article.
Child Nutrition

Benefits and Important Tips For a Vegetarian Diet For Children

Can children be vegetarians or vegans? You probably heard that question more than once, and the answer is simple: “of course yes!” a vegetarian diet can help your child to have a better relationship with food (as for instance they won’t consume as many p

Brilliant breakfasting: Buddha’s Awakening

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to spice up your morning breakfast routine, then these breakfast blends might be just the ticket for you!
Fitness and Sport

What Should You Eat Before And After Exercising?

Physical exercise and Nutrition are indivisible concepts. Eating healthy while leading a sedentary lifestyle is inefficient. Same goes for regular physical exercise without giving your body the nutrients it needs before and after working out.
Child Nutrition

Ideas For a Healthy Birthday Party

Children and adult Birthday parties are almost always associated with excesses such as too much salt and sugar ingested in a short time lapse. As a result? Hyperactivity, belly aches and a society that associates that type of food with good moments. Yet
Child Nutrition

Meditation For Children: The Benefits For Growth

In the last few years we have rediscovered one of the most ancient and long-lived spiritual practices of the entire Orient: Yoga. Contrarily to what we can think of it, Yoga is much more than just physical exercise. To tell the truth, in fact, Yoga is fir