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Iswari SuperFood

We've restructured our site from top to bottom to improve your experience

We've restructured our site from top to bottom to improve your experience

We are used to writing articles about health advice, nutrition, sport and healthy living. This time we want to talk to you about how your experience on our site improves. We've worked hard and the benefits will all be yours!

Having grown a lot in almost ten years, we at Iswari feel responsible for the values we want to spread. And our website is a wonderful tool to help you learn about Mother Nature's best gifts, their benefits and how you can easily integrate them into your food routine.

That's why we continue to publish articles, tips and recipes, because we believe in natural nutrition and its potential to benefit our health. And we want you to know all the tricks, secrets, properties and ways to live better.

When we first created our own exclusive products, founding a company unique in the Portuguese market, and unparalleled in Europe, we were motivated by the intention to offer a convincing answer to the problem of modern nutrition.

More and more people were approaching healthy eating, but often - like many of us - they don't have the time to prepare a healthy meal. They give up on it then. We wanted to create a healthy, nutritious, good and easy to prepare, instant product at all costs. 

The idea was there, and over the years we have implemented it, improving it more and more, perfecting every aspect. Now we have almost 60 products in our catalogue that we are completely in love with. We distribute them all over Europe and we also value our online store very much. 

Buy online on our store. Why?

The reason is very simple: people who don't have time to prepare a healthy meal often don't even have time to buy the necessary raw materials. Then the online shop is the perfect tool to get to those people. Just click and our superfoods arrive at the comfort of your own home.

Well, we're just writing to tell you that we've also worked hard to improve your browsing experience. We started from a simple, small and modest site. And day after day we have put all our efforts to give you a better service. 

Today we present you the new site, our new store. Enter through the main door and discover a renewed homepage, with an intuitive menu, the banner with news and exclusive promotions, and an immediate mini menu with recommended products, those in discount, bestsellers and new ones, just out.

Immediately after, here is our section dedicated to content. Like friendly and passionate shop assistants, we recommend the best recipes to prepare breakfasts, snacks, cakes and whole meals using our superfoods. And then we stop to talk a bit about their properties, the best natural remedies, well-being, health, nutrition. 

The part of the recipes is completely new, much more intuitive, beautiful and simple. Search your recipes by category, by author and browse the ingredients and preparation with great agility. Try it now, and try to buy your favourite superfood ... there will be a surprise in the cart too!