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Iswari SuperFood

Proteins, Muscles and Energy

Proteins, Muscles and Energy

Muscles and the muscular system: what are they and how do they work?

The muscular system is the set of organs that allow the movement of the human body and the flow of liquids which brings the nutrients to and from our cells. Muscles are the protagonists of the movement of our body, thanks to muscle contraction. This phenomenon depends on the reaction of muscle fibers to nerve impulse: when the brain communicates to a certain muscle the intention of movement, the muscle fibers contract or relax, transmitting energy to the tendons that bind to the bones.

The muscles in our body can be divided into voluntary muscles, which allow movement in space, and involuntary muscles, which support vital functions such as digestion and respiration. The muscular system together with the skeletal apparatus forms the locomotor apparatus. Muscles are the active part of this system.

What are the muscles used for and how are they made?

Muscles have different functions:

Allow posture, locomotion and movement

Allow internal motor activity of the organs

Support facial expression 

Protect internal organs

Produce heat

Muscles are made up of muscle fibres called myofibrils, which in turn are made up of different types of protein. The protein structure of the myofibrils is what allows muscles to move.

Muscles: how to keep them healthy

Muscles are made up of protein. To keep our muscles healthy we must feed them properly, train them and let them rest. The muscles literally hold us up, allow us to walk, eat, and breathe. A healthy organism needs healthy, well-trained muscles that are kept well-fed with the correct nutrients.

Those who think that simply training is enough to have healthy muscles, are mistaken. Physical exercise alone is not enough. There are many cases in which excessive muscular effort leads the muscle fibres to rupture, or triggers metabolic reactions that are harmful and dangerous to our health. First of all, muscles need proper nutrition.

What are the benefits of a healthy muscle mass?

Having healthy muscles brings many advantages:

Protect against musculoskeletal injuries

Protect from trauma

Accelerate metabolism

They prevent posture problems

Regulate body temperature

Improve digestion

We do not have to go to the gym everyday to have healthy muscles, but it is important to do constant exercise and provide the muscles with all the nutrients they need.

Healthy muscles: what to eat?

Protein is the nutrition of the muscles par excellence. It is essential for the whole body and essential for muscle growth. Muscles need both macronutrients such as protein, as well as micronutrients such as mineral salts and vitamins. In particular:

Protein constitutes the muscular structure and provides energy for the growth of muscle mass

Carbohydrates provide immediate energy for the muscles

Fibre and good fats must also be part of a healthy diet

B vitamins are useful for muscle building

Vitamins A, C, D, are also necessary for healthy muscles, and to prevent muscle fatigue

Minerals like magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc nourish the muscles and promote recovery

How to choose the best proteins for muscles

The main source of nourishment for our muscles is protein. Protein is the building blocks of our body: they are, at the same time, central elements of our organic structure, and fuel for our main functions. Protein molecules, composed of amino acids, are indispensable in our diet. But not all proteins are the same: those of animal origin involve the absorption of fats and toxic substances, as well as posing ethical problems. However, plant protein is often complex to digest and assimilate.

We must consider several factors when choosing the best protein for our muscles, including the amino acid content of the protein sources, their degree of toxicity, digestibility, and the natural composition of the protein source. Meat, known as one of the highest protein sources, offers a large intake of protein at a very high price. In fact, together with protein, we also find many saturated fats. Not only that: animal protein in general, such as eggs, dairy products, meat and fish are often of poor quality, contain chemicals that are dangerous to our body such as residues of antibiotics used in breeding, heavy metals such as mercury, and hormones.

The best protein for muscles

Animal protein has the advantage of being complete and easily assimilable compared to most vegetable proteins. However, animal proteins present many risks to health and the environment. Sources of vegetable protein, on the other hand, are numerous. If it is true that the most common vegetables do not offer a complete spectrum of amino acids, and need to be consumed in large quantities, there are complete vegetable proteins, which have the enormous advantage of not being toxic to our liver, as well as being easily digestible and assimilable.

Hemp Protein, Hemp Seeds and Hemp Fibre: all are products derived from hemp seeds, a complete food with all essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins and the perfect relationship between Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Rice Protein: a complete protein, which has a neutral taste and is easy to digest. It offers  149% of our recommended daily allowance of protein.

Pea Protein: similar to rice protein, its is versatile, with a neutral taste and offers 160% of our recommended daily protein intake (A.R.)

Super Vegan Protein: an exclusive Iswari belnd, which combines the best plant proteins available. Rice, pea and hemp in one mix. A complete spectrum of amino acids, with naturally occuring vitamins, minerals and Omega-3.

Super Green Protein: a combination of not only the best vegetable protein, but also with added green superfoods (Spirulina, Chlorella and Matcha) for an additional injection of energy!