Detox Diet: How To Detoxify In A Healthy Way
With summer on the way, many people begin to look for magic formulas to detox (and be in perfect shape!). But before starting a detox diet it is important to make some considerations. First things first, miraculous diets don’t exist! Extreme diets can lead to serious health problems, so instead choose a conscious detox diet that includes plenty of nutritious superfoods that will guarantee that you still get all the nutrients you need, even whilst detoxing. These are some of the points you should consider before starting a detox diet:
Since we are all different, there is no ‘one size fits all’ detox. Having said that, when on a detox, it is important to avoid these foods:
Coffee and tobacco
Fizzy drinks
Processed and refined products
Dairy products
You can follow a more or less restrictive diet, but it should always include fresh fruit and vegetables, seeds, algae (such as Spirulina, Chlorella) or Wheatgrass, gluten free whole grains and beans (if you can tolerate them