The All in One - Super Greens is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. There are many benefits, and the good news is that it's easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Simply add a serving to a smoothie or water, and you're set!
The All in One - Super Greens by Iswari is a renowned super green powder known for promoting energy, improving digestion, supporting detoxification, helping to reduce inflammation, and enhancing overall body health. It is nutrient-rich, boasting 9 minerals and 6 vitamins, including B-complex vitamins and vitamin C, as well as potassium, iron, and magnesium, among others. The idea is not to entirely replace the consumption of vegetables or fruits but to complement it. And, as its name suggests, if there's one thing Super Greens is rich in, it's “greens”. The high volume of greens (such as chlorella, spirulina, and wheatgrass) are an excellent source of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that can help support a healthy diet and can assist you in achieving the recommended daily intake of potassium, calcium, and fiber easily and deliciously. And of course, ingredients like adaptogens (maca and cacao) or the renowned reishi mushroom, among others, make the All in One special.
It's a great option for those who don't like or struggle to incorporate enough vegetables and fruits into their diet and can also be beneficial for athletes or individuals who have difficulty absorbing nutrients from food. Moreover, since all you have to do is add it to a smoothie (check out this basic recipe here) or a glass of water, it couldn't be easier.
We know. Most Super Greens on the market taste like grass. They're hard to stomach and almost become a daily ordeal, followed by lots of grimacing. That's precisely why, when Iswari was developing the All in One, one of the key requirements was the taste. Unlike other Super Greens, the All in One can actually be taken with just water. You don't need to make a smoothie to mask the taste or hold your breath. Flavored with tropical fruits, with the Super Greens All in One, all you need to do is add water and you're set!
With a high fiber content, unlike many green powders on the market, the All in One Super Greens by Iswari aids in regulating bowel movement and maintaining healthy levels of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. It also helps maintain a greater feeling of fullness, allowing for natural appetite control. Apple fiber is included, as well as pea protein. Moreover, in this Iswari green powder, you'll find the Digezyme complex, which includes five digestive enzymes to support better digestion and improve intestinal health.
Chlorophyll, spirulina, and wheatgrass support the body's detoxification, helping to neutralize toxins. Think of chlorella as being for liver detoxification—that is, for the kidneys. Due to its healing action and antibacterial properties, it helps the body eliminate heavy metals. Spirulina, on the other hand, aids in promoting the growth of healthy intestinal flora, which is crucial for the body's detoxification process as well as for a healthy immune system and digestion. Wheatgrass is included in the All in One - Super Greens for its ability to boost the production of enzymes that aid digestion and the stimulation of the liver, the organ that supports the body's filtering system.
The combination of B-complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3, and B6) contributes to a normal energy-producing metabolism, as well as to the healthy functioning of the nervous system and normal psychological functions, such as memory, stress management, or mood. And adaptogens like maca or cacao help to regulate stress and even mood levels.
How you take your Super Greens largely depends on your routine and goals, with no one-size-fits-all answer.
- In the morning (on an empty stomach)
Taking the All in One – Super Greens from Iswari in the morning, especially on an empty stomach, can help provide a quick dose of essential nutrients right at the start of the day. It can also help boost energy and improve digestion, as many of the ingredients have detoxifying and energizing effects. Simply mix your Super Greens with water, into a smoothie, or with a plant-based drink (such as almond or coconut milk).
- During or after a workout
Super Greens can be a good post-workout option, as it helps replenish nutrients the body may need after physical exercise and provides antioxidants that aid in muscle recovery and reducing inflammation.
Mix your dose of Super Greens with water or into a smoothie for recovery support.
- Mid-afternoon
If you're experiencing an energy dip or need a nutritious snack, taking your Super Greens in the mid-afternoon can be a good choice. It can help keep your energy levels stable and avoid blood sugar spikes.
- Before meals
You might prefer taking your Super Greens before meals, as it can help improve digestion and healthily stimulate appetite. Additionally, nutrients may be better absorbed if consumed when the stomach is not completely full. Take your dose about 15-30 minutes before a main meal.
With benefits that include increased energy, detoxifying the body, and strengthening the immune system, this supplement is a smart choice. Give it a try and feel the difference that a daily dose of Super Greens can make in your daily life!