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3 ways to strengthen your immune system

3 ways to strengthen your immune system

Put your immune system to work now and balance it so that your levels of defences are high 

It is not a question of strengthening the immune system, but of balancing it. And to do this, you can do simple things that will have a big impact on your health. The aim is not to put these things into practice today and forget them tomorrow. These changes are long-term and require consistency, so that you can see the results.

1. A healthy diet

Our intestinal flora is made up of thousands of bacteria that act as a real barrier against the entry of pathogens and constitute what is currently known as a microbiome. And the microbiome is directly affected by the quality of our food. Recent studies even show that a dysfunction of the immune system can be directly linked to a change in the bacteria present in the intestine. Processed foods have a direct impact on our immune system, simply because the body is unable to digest them. This decreases the efficiency of our microbiome, creating an imbalance. And what we really want is a balanced immune system.

2. Physical exercise

Physical exercise has extraordinary advantages. In addition to strengthening our bones, it improves the immune system, nourishes hormones, reduces the risk of diabetes and various cancers, improves mood and even delays senility.

3. To rest

It is during sleep that the body makes the adjustments necessary for the proper functioning of our natural defences. Maintaining a balanced immune system causes us to lose a lot of energy, which is why it is essential to rest. In addition, a few hours of sleep correlate with the production of cortisol, a stress-related hormone, which, in excess, can reduce defence capacities. Take a look at these five habits for quality sleep.