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Iswari SuperFood

Immune System

Immune System
Healthy Eating

Carnival sweets: 5 tips for light, gluten-free and vegan recipes

Carnival sweets: 5 tips for light, gluten-free and vegan recipes

Veganuary: 1 vegan month that will change your life!

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Diets: Myths and Facts

Powdered proteins: can they be cooked? Here is how to use them.

The best way to use protein powders is to dissolve them in a liquid such as water to facilitate rapid digestion. This and much more in this article. Find out more here.
Immune System

Cold and Flu: 5 ways to heal quickly

Cold and flu are two terrible season sicknesses. Of course, they're nothing serious, but how annoying are they? As soon as we get them, we want to heal quickly. But how?
Healthy Eating

The 5 best autumn superfoods

Some people like autumn, some people don't. Summer is now a faded memory, and Christmas is still a very far. But every season brings with it some advantages and autumn, like the other seasons, has its own superfoods. Discover them!
Healthy Eating

5 ideas for Halloween treats

The most monstrous feast of the year is coming, and we must not be caught unprepared! The children will come at our door asking us (or threatening us) with the request of "trick or treat?". Let's entertain them and reward them with healthy sweets for Hall

Oats: all the properties and benefits you don't expect

We know it well, we have known and cultivated it for thousands of years, and we use it from cosmetics to food. We are talking about oats, the gluten-free cereal with spectacular nutritional properties. Let's discover all the health benefits of oats!
Tiredness and Fatigue

8 foods that help you sleep well

You can do physical activity, be in good shape and in total relaxation, but if you don't sleep well, you will never feel full of strength. What do you have to do to sleep well and what do you have to eat?
Digestive System

Foods against abdominal swelling: what to eat to digest well

Do you feel swollen, heavy, even after a light lunch? Many people to fight the unpleasant feeling of abdominal swelling and to digest well, they avoid the wrong foods and change some healthy habits. Let's find out which mistakes not to make and which food
Planet Earth

A healthy diet to fight hunger in a #zerohunger world

16 October is World Food Day, and FAO is celebrating it this year with the slogan "A healthy diet for a #zerohunger world". The United Nations organization argues that healthy eating helps fight hunger in the world. But how?
Planet Earth

Protecting habitats to protect our future

The future of our planet is in danger, and we are the cause of a disaster that may be imminent. Are pollution, climate change and land use the biggest problems? For our species, the biggest problem is the extinction of many animal species. And only habita