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Iswari SuperFood

The Best Sports To Speed Up The Metabolism

The Best Sports To Speed Up The Metabolism

The benefits of sport practice are well known: it helps maintain a healthy weight, prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and protect the immune system. But what exactly happens to the body when it is moving? Why is it so important to practice sport?

Physical exercise in general has a positive influence on the work of our body. Practicing sport helps regulate heart rate and respiration. Physical activity stimulates the secretion of certain hormones that contribute to increase our resistance, strengthen our defences and accelerate our metabolism. By speeding up the metabolism, we burn more calories and fat that will help us to lose weight.

These changes stimulate the body and make it much stronger towards possible external attacks. This is why sport is a good way to prevent the onset of various diseases.

What is the best sport to speed up the metabolism?

High-intensity cardiovascular training is perfect for stimulating the body and speeding up the metabolism. We often focus on just how much we train, but this is not necessarily a good indicator. We should keep in mind that a 20-minute specific and intense cardiovascular exercise, for example, can be much more effective than a generic 40-minute exercise. Furthermore, it is important to know that after practicing sport, its effects continue to work in our body for many hours.

Foods that help metabolism

Another secret to speed up metabolism and achieve visible results is to help the body provide all the nutrients it needs both before and after training. Before physical exercise, your body needs healthy proteins and fats. After training the body requires vitamins, magnesium, calcium and selenium (for muscle recovery). Here are our tips:

Before training

Energy Bars Buddha’s Awakening and Maca: They are ideal for those looking for a healthy and practical snack to eat before starting the exercise. They are 100% natural and rich in vitamins, complex carbohydrates and fibers. And there are 3 tastes: Acai and Strawberry, Cocoa or Maca and Vanilla.

After training

Vegetable proteins: Add some of our vegetable protein to your smoothie after training. They are easily absorbed by the body and help muscle growth. You can choose the proteins that you like and those that best suit your needs (hemp, rice, peas...) or opt for our exclusive blends: Super Vegan Protein or Super Green Protein.