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Iswari SuperFood

How Superfood Helps Us Preserve Biodiversity

How Superfood Helps Us Preserve Biodiversity

We might think that these are two completely separate things, but in reality our choices, including our food choices, weigh heavily on the health of the planet, as well as on ours. Find out how we can help preserve biodiversity by choosing superfood!

Let's start from the beginning: what is biodiversity? As soon as you pronounce this term you will think of lush forests, full of birds, monkeys and colours. You are almost close, but biodiversity is more than that. This word refers to the variety of living beings that inhabit planet Earth. 

Not only exotic, colourful animals, but also tiny plants and organisms, such as insects and bacteria. Every corner of our planet, from the Black Forest to the Gobi Desert, is literally covered with life. Even the most inhospitable places are teeming with living things. Big as whales or nearly invisible, as enduring as an olive tree or as fleeting as a butterfly, all contribute to increase biodiversity.

What is biodiversity for?

The immediate answer is that biodiversity guarantees the survival of life on Earth. Yes, because no living being can live without the presence of other living beings. A cow could not survive without its plants, just as an eagle would not survive without its rodents. We humans are also part of this biodiversity. And we too depend on this biological diversity.

We can survive without eating animals, it's true, but it's not just about feeding. Flora and fauna combine in a complex ecosystem, which lives only through the interweaving of relationships between living beings. To explain this concept, just think of the bees. We all know that bees are at risk of extinction, and scientists have been sounding alarm messages for years.

If bees were to disappear from our planet, that would be the end for us all. We do not eat bees, and we could even do without their honey. But we could never do without their precious role in the ecosystem. Bees pollinate flowers and ensure the reproduction of more than 70% of the plant species we humans feed on. 

In supermarkets, therefore, we would only have 30% of the fruits and vegetables we habitually eat. But it would also be a tragedy for many other animal species, herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. The damage caused by the impoverishment of biodiversity is therefore a chain of disastrous events that we must and can avoid.

Biodiversity and superfood

How can superfoods help us with this? At Iswari we start from a basic consideration: superfoods, like ours, must respect nature, the environment and people. Non-intensive organic farming allows us to offer healthy, nutrient-rich food solutions that are respectful of all living things. Some of our products, such as those based on cocoa, are also fairtrade, i.e. they support local populations and comply with strict environmental criteria.

Choosing to consume superfood allows you to avoid the consumption of foods for which pesticides, antibiotics or pollutants have been used, as well as the practice of intensive agriculture that destroys entire ecosystems and natural habitats. Every little choice we make has an impact on our planet's balance: choose a healthy and natural diet!