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All in One



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All in One




A unique blend of over 15 fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and algae, carefully selected for their nutritional potential and easy absorption. A straightforward solution for reaching the daily recommended intake of vitamins and minerals.


10g per day

Icon Body cleanse

Body cleanse

Icon Boosts energy levels

Boosts energy levels

Icon Healthy gut

Healthy gut

Icon An easy way to consume greens, fruits, seaweeds, and adaptogens

An easy way to consume greens, fruits, seaweeds, and adaptogens

Icon Strengthens the immune system

Strengthens the immune system

Illustrative image Cleanse

In the All in One - Super Greens, you'll find some of the most powerful greens ever. Our organic and certified chlorella, spirulina, and wheatgrass come together not only to help you achieve your daily greens dose but to assist your body in naturally releasing toxins or heavy metals.

+ Magnesium, calcium, zinc, and potassium, as well as vitamins like C or B6 play a crucial role in the toxin neutralization process, supporting liver function, maintaining proper kidney function, which are essential in waste elimination.

Illustrative image Energy, Focus
Energy, Focus

Feeling lethargic, lacking vitality? All in One - Super Greens is designed to deliver ingredients that help you accomplish more throughout the day. Moreover, All in One - Super Greens also supports cognitive function and mental activity.

+ All in One - Super Greens supports your energy metabolism, contributing to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue with B complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3, and B6), vitamin C, as well as thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus, copper, and manganese. For instance, vitamin B1 plays a very important role in energy metabolism (assisting in converting carbohydrates into energy), growth, development, and cellular function. It supports brain function, through B complex vitamins, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids which are especially important for brain function, in addition to playing roles in memory processes, attention, and overall neurological health.

Illustrative image Immune System
Immune System

Vitamin C, vitamin E, B6, zinc, copper, and selenium work together to support the proper functioning of the immune system.

+ Vitamin E is known for its antioxidant action, by protecting cells from free radicals. This essential vitamin is involved in immune function, is important for the production of red blood cells and helps the body use vitamin K. Meanwhile, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, helping protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals, and is also necessary for the production of collagen, L-carnitine, and certain neurotransmitters, for the normal function of the immune system and for wound healing. And vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in protein metabolism, brain development, and immune function.

Illustrative image Digestion

With a high fiber content, crucial for digestive health, and the DigeZyme® enzyme complex, All in One Super Greens aids in regulating intestinal transit, maintaining healthy levels of blood glucose and cholesterol, and appetite control.

+ The set of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lipase, cellulase, lactase) help improve the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, reducing symptoms like bloating and abdominal discomfort and exercise-induced pain and sensitivity1. Calcium also plays a multifaceted role in digestive function, including promoting gastrointestinal muscle contraction, neutralizing excess stomach acid, and regulating intestinal transit. Additionally, calcium supports the secretion of digestive enzymes, helping optimize digestion**.



Illustrative image Healthy Aging
Healthy Aging

All in One Super Greens provides a wide range of vitamins and minerals essential for proper bodily function. This includes B complex vitamins, vitamin E (which helps reduce the oxidation of the body's cells — a process that causes, among many things, skin aging) and vitamin C, as well as minerals like potassium, iron, and magnesium, among others.

+ All in One Super Greens also contains unsaturated fats, including omega-3 and omega-6, which are beneficial for the heart and brain, promoting overall well-being. Moreover, we've added high-quality proteins that are essential for building and repairing muscle tissue, as well as being fundamental to biological processes such as enzymatic and hormonal synthesis. And, of course, antioxidants, crucial for combating free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and, consequently, the risk of chronic diseases.

Illustrative image Science and Research
Science and Research

“We blended incredible functional ingredients that optimize benefits to create a synergistic mix, ideal for your wellbeing.”

Nutritionist - 2782N

Discover the ingredients

In the All in One - Super Greens, you'll find some of the most powerful greens ever. Our organic and certified chlorella, spirulina, and wheatgrass come together not only to help you achieve your daily greens dose but to assist your body in naturally releasing toxins or heavy metals.

+ Magnesium, calcium, zinc, and potassium, as well as vitamins like C or B6 play a crucial role in the toxin neutralization process, supporting liver function, maintaining proper kidney function, which are essential in waste elimination.

Illustrative image Cleanse
Energy, Focus

Feeling lethargic, lacking vitality? All in One - Super Greens is designed to deliver ingredients that help you accomplish more throughout the day. Moreover, All in One - Super Greens also supports cognitive function and mental activity.

+ All in One - Super Greens supports your energy metabolism, contributing to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue with B complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3, and B6), vitamin C, as well as thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus, copper, and manganese. For instance, vitamin B1 plays a very important role in energy metabolism (assisting in converting carbohydrates into energy), growth, development, and cellular function. It supports brain function, through B complex vitamins, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids which are especially important for brain function, in addition to playing roles in memory processes, attention, and overall neurological health.

Illustrative image Energy, Focus
Immune System

Vitamin C, vitamin E, B6, zinc, copper, and selenium work together to support the proper functioning of the immune system.

+ Vitamin E is known for its antioxidant action, by protecting cells from free radicals. This essential vitamin is involved in immune function, is important for the production of red blood cells and helps the body use vitamin K. Meanwhile, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, helping protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals, and is also necessary for the production of collagen, L-carnitine, and certain neurotransmitters, for the normal function of the immune system and for wound healing. And vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in protein metabolism, brain development, and immune function.

Illustrative image Immune System

With a high fiber content, crucial for digestive health, and the DigeZyme® enzyme complex, All in One Super Greens aids in regulating intestinal transit, maintaining healthy levels of blood glucose and cholesterol, and appetite control.

+ The set of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lipase, cellulase, lactase) help improve the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, reducing symptoms like bloating and abdominal discomfort and exercise-induced pain and sensitivity1. Calcium also plays a multifaceted role in digestive function, including promoting gastrointestinal muscle contraction, neutralizing excess stomach acid, and regulating intestinal transit. Additionally, calcium supports the secretion of digestive enzymes, helping optimize digestion**.





Illustrative image Digestion
Healthy Aging

All in One Super Greens provides a wide range of vitamins and minerals essential for proper bodily function. This includes B complex vitamins, vitamin E (which helps reduce the oxidation of the body's cells — a process that causes, among many things, skin aging) and vitamin C, as well as minerals like potassium, iron, and magnesium, among others.

+ All in One Super Greens also contains unsaturated fats, including omega-3 and omega-6, which are beneficial for the heart and brain, promoting overall well-being. Moreover, we've added high-quality proteins that are essential for building and repairing muscle tissue, as well as being fundamental to biological processes such as enzymatic and hormonal synthesis. And, of course, antioxidants, crucial for combating free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and, consequently, the risk of chronic diseases.

Illustrative image Healthy Aging
Science and Research

“We blended incredible functional ingredients that optimize benefits to create a synergistic mix, ideal for your wellbeing.”

Nutritionist - 2782N

Discover the ingredients
Illustrative image Science and Research

Daily Well-being Ritual

Icon 35g Protein


Essential for muscle regeneration, hormonal balance and daily energy support. *Per 100g

Icon 20g Fibre


Promotes health and intestinal transit and long-lasting satiety. *Per 100g

Icon 9 Minerals


Essencial for energy-yielding metabolism, bone health, muscle function and strengthening the immune system.

Icon DigeZyme

DigeZyme ®

Icon Vitamin C

463% of the VRN*

*per 100g

Icon Iron

221% of the VRN*

*per 100g

Icon Chromium

325% of the VRN*

*per 100g

Icon Vitamin B2

100% of the VRN*

*per 100g

Icon Manganese

165% of the VRN*

*per 100g

Illustrative image Pack All in One



Imagem ilustrativa Como Usar o all in One
Icon Como Usar o all in One

Mix 10g (1 tablespoon) in 200ml of fresh water or add to a smoothie.
Quick and easy!


Icon Como Usar o all in One
Imagem ilustrativa Como Usar o all in One

Mix 10g (1 tablespoon) in 200ml of fresh water or add to a smoothie.
Quick and easy!


Imagem ilustrativa Cogumelos reishi e maca

Reishi mushrooms and maca

Strengthen immunity and help manage stress.

Imagem ilustrativa Spirulina, clorela e erva-trigo

Spirulina, chlorella and wheatgrass

Help with detox and support general well-being.

Imagem ilustrativa Beterraba


Promotes healthier skin, hair and nails.

Imagem ilustrativa Cogumelos reishi e maca

Reishi mushrooms and maca

Strengthen immunity and help manage stress.

Imagem ilustrativa Spirulina, clorela e erva-trigo

Spirulina, chlorella and wheatgrass

Help with detox and support general well-being.

Imagem ilustrativa Beterraba


Promotes healthier skin, hair and nails.


Icon Gut health

Gut health

Reduces gas and bloating. Regulates bowel movements and supports the maintenance of intestinal flora.

Icon Energy and focus

Energy and focus

Reduces tiredness and fatigue. With B-complex vitamins, calcium, and magnesium.

Icon Immune system

Immune system

Strengthens your defenses with vitamin C, E, zinc, and selenium.

Icon Gut health

Gut health

Reduces gas and bloating. Regulates bowel movements and supports the maintenance of intestinal flora.

Icon Energy and focus

Energy and focus

Reduces tiredness and fatigue. With B-complex vitamins, calcium, and magnesium.

Icon Immune system

Immune system

Strengthens your defenses with vitamin C, E, zinc, and selenium.

Got questions?
We have answers!

It's a super complete mix, very easy and convenient to take, with more than 15 fruits, vegetables, fungi, and algae, with a high content in fiber, protein, vitamin C, B complex, among others.

Ideally, you should take All in One - Super Greens daily. You can take it at any time of the day, but in the morning on an empty stomach is always a good option for better absorption.

We recommend that you take 10g of All in One - Super Greens per day. You can add 200ml of cold water or mix in a smoothie or juice.

Everyone is different, but we have similar basic nutritional needs. All in One - Super Greens was created with people in mind who are concerned about meeting the basic nutritional needs of the body, but who are also concerned about their overall well-being and immune system reinforcement. If you're reading this question, you're likely in this group! If you are under 18 or pregnant, you should first consult your doctor.

Overall, All in One - Super Greens will help your intestinal health, increase energy levels, and boost your metabolism. That is, support your immune system. Being rich in antioxidants (crucial for combating free radicals in the body) it helps reduce oxidative stress and, consequently, the risk of chronic diseases. Moreover, it helps to combat body inflammation, which can disrupt intestinal activity among other symptoms, increasing the chances of toxin absorption and unnecessary waste non-elimination, potentially risking the immune system. Due to its high fiber content, it also supports the regulation of intestinal transit, a varied and healthy microbiota, maintaining healthy levels of blood glucose and cholesterol, and appetite control. Not to forget that the high protein content aids in muscle tissue repair. With the presence of unsaturated fats, such as omega-3 and omega-6, your heart and brain also benefit.

A daily dose of All in One - Super Greens offers you the power of various vitamins, minerals, healthy bacteria, greens, adaptogens, and fungi.

We chose the fruits, vegetables, fungi, and algae you find in All in One - Super Greens not only for their nutritional potential, ease of body absorption, and nutrients but also because they act synergistically optimizing their benefits.

Rigorous Testing
Iswari maintains a high demand for quality, having conducted rigorous analytical and microbiological tests by external laboratories.

Thermal Processing of Components
For Iswari, heat treatment proves to be a fundamental step in the production of powdered products, ensuring safety, quality, and the extended shelf life. This process primarily aims at enzyme deactivation and the inactivation of toxins or microorganisms, including pathogens and those responsible for deterioration. What does this do? It prevents product degradation and reduces the risk of food contaminations and poisonings. Additionally, heat treatment is effective in reducing the moisture content of food, decreasing water activity and inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, significantly contributing to extending the product's shelf life. In the case of microalgae, since their development environment is marine, a higher temperature is required to reduce microbial load and moisture when the product is converted to powder. Heat also improves food digestibility through the breaking down of resistant cell walls, facilitating nutrient assimilation by the human body. Thus, it is important to understand that thermal processing allows us to meet consumers' demands for safe and high-quality products.

Great Taste
Without additives or artificial sugars, the tropical fruit flavor makes All in One - Super Greens pleasant to drink.

As always, Iswari defends the complete transparency of its formulas, so you can know exactly what you are taking. You can see the entire list of ingredients here and consult the nutritional declaration here.

All our ingredients are organically sourced. The only ingredient that cannot be classified in this way (organic or non-organic) is Digezyme®, the multi-enzyme complex, derived from natural sources, designed to assist digestion and nutrient absorption.

Protein assists the body in building, repairing, and maintaining muscle mass, in addition to being fundamental for biological processes such as enzymatic and hormonal synthesis.

Adaptogens are plants that have been studied in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries as a way to enhance the body's capacity to various types of adverse situations. By adapting the body's response and increasing overall vitality, adaptogens can help promote increased resistance to various types of stress (mental, physical, environmental), anxiety, and fatigue, act in a normalizing and balancing manner, and help the body adapt to such situations.

In All in One - Super Greens, you'll find adaptogens like maca*, known for its hormone-regulating capabilities, turmeric** used in Ayurveda medicine for over 4,000 years, with numerous properties such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and even as a way to assist patients with depression, and also cocoa***, in which various studies affirm that it can help improve mood, enhance heart function, reduce the risk of heart attack, and encourage relaxation.




